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【유학 입시】 자기소개서(personal history/diversity/background statement, PHS)

초록E 2022. 10. 1. 23:36

자기소개서(personal history/diversity/background statement, PHS)


추천글 : 【유학 입시】 2023-2024년도 유학 입시 및 장학금 정리

1. 개요 [본문]

2. 질문 [본문]

3. 답변 [본문]

📄 학업계획서(SOP)

▶️ 필자가 쓴 자기소개서


1. 개요 [목차]

⑴ 중요성

특히 탑스쿨에서 요구함

② PHS로 낮은 학점을 극복한 사례가 있음

③ 다만, 다른 요소들에 비해 비중이 낮으므로 완벽성보다는 완성도를 중요시하는 게 전략적

⑵ PHS와 SOP의 차이점 

PHS는 사적이고 특수한 내용을 기입하기 때문에 오히려 SOP가 자기소개서의 역할을 하게 됨

SOP는 public하게 드러낼 수 있는 글인 반면에 PHS는 너무 사적이고 나만 알고 있는 그런 내용을 다룸

⑶ 분량 

① MIT : 쓰는 데가 없음

스탠포드 : 500자 이내

하버드 : 쓰는 데가 없음. Additional Material에 쓸 수는 있음

④ 칼텍 : 쓰는 데가 없음

⑤ 예일 : 쓰는 데가 없음. Personal Narrative, Additional Material에 쓸 수는 있음

코넬 : 1500자 이내

 존스홉킨스 : 1 페이지 이내

 버클리 : 1-2 페이지 

 콜드 스프링 하버 연구소 : 쓰는 데가 없음

 스크립스 연구소 : 2 페이지 이내

 Rockefeller University : 250자 이내



2. 질문 [목차]

예시 1

 What from your past made you decide to go into this field?

 How will your personal history help you succeed in this program and your future goals?

예시 2. Johns Hopkins University 

① Please describe your academic and scientific background and how XDBio fits your research and career interests. 

Please describe at least one project in detail and include what future directions the project could take.

예시 3. UC Berkeley

① How you have overcome barriers to access higher education.

② How you have come to understand the barriers faced by others.

③ Your academic service to advance equitable access to higher education for women, racial minorities and individuals from other groups that have been historically underrepresented in higher education.

④ Your research focusing on under served populations or related issues of inequality.

⑤ Your leadership among such groups.

예시 4. Rockefeller university

① Describe how your background and experiences would contribute to the diversity of the Rockefeller community and/or how you might work with us on achieving a more diverse, equitable and inclusive university. The Rockefeller University’s mission, “Science for the benefit of humanity”, is central to our university culture and community. In keeping with this mission, we seek a student body that embodies the wide range of human experience. We believe that scientific discovery best advances when people from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives come together in a supportive environment. (Limited to 250 words)

예시 5. UCLA 

Are there educational, personal, cultural, economic, or social experiences, not described in your Statement of Purpose, that have shaped your academic journey? If so, how? Have any of these experiences provided unique perspective(s) that you would contribute to your program, field or profession?

 Describe challenge(s) or barriers that you have faced in your pursuit of higher education. What motivated you to persist, and how did you overcome them? What is the evidence of your persistence, progress or success?

 How have your life experiences and educational background informed your understanding of the barriers facing groups that are underrepresented in higher education?

 How have you been actively engaged (e.g., through participation, employment, service, teaching or other activities) in programs or activities focused on increasing participation by groups that have been historically underrepresented in higher education?

How do you intend to engage in scholarly discourse, research, teaching, creative efforts, and/or community engagement during your graduate program that have the potential to advance diversity and equal opportunity in higher education?

 How do you see yourself contributing to diversity in your profession after you earn your advanced degree at UCLA?



3. 답변 [목차]

⑴ 개요

나의 disadvantage 혹은 특별한 배경이 대학에 어떤 공헌을 할 수 있는지를 결부하여 언급해야 함

② personal challenge보다는 research challenge를 쓰는 게 더 선호됨 

예 1. racial minority : 시안은 소수자가 아님을 유의. 흑인은 소수자에 해당

예 2. gender minority : 여성이라는 사실을 언급할 수는 있으나 대한민국은 크게 해당 안 된다고 판단

예 3. 학업적 문제 (예 : 가정의 경제 문제, 사회 혼란 등으로 인한 학업 능률 저하, 극심한 우울증)

예 4. 경제적 문제 (예 : 사업실패, 재난∙재해, 가정환경) 

예 5. 신체적 특징 (예 : 건강, 장애, 식습관)

예 6. 특별한 경험 (예 : 군 복무, 봉사활동, 동아리, 취미, 실연, 코로나19로 인한 학업 능률 저하)

예 7. 내 이야기뿐만 아니라 내 연구 대상을 쓸 수도 있음


입력 : 2022.10.01 23:34