토플 라이팅(TOEFL Writing)
추천글 : 【토플】 TOEFL iBT 소개
1. 개요 [본문]
2. 통합형 에세이 [본문]
3. 디스커션 커멘트 [본문]
4. (폐지됨) 독립형 에세이 [본문]
마지막 수정: 2024.02.03
1. 개요 [목차]
⑴ 원칙 1. 표현의 정확성 : 정확한 어휘의 사용이 중요
⑵ 원칙 2. 표현의 다양성 : 동일한 표현의 반복적 사용은 지양해야 함
⑶ 원칙 3. 표현의 적절성 : 적절한 전치사, 단수·복수, 알맞은 어휘의 사용의 중요함
⑷ 원칙 4. 표현의 전문성 : 쉬운 단어보다 각 분야의 전문 용어(terminology)를 쓰는 게 권장됨
2. 통합형 에세이(integrated essay) [목차]
⑴ 분량 : 280자 이상
⑵ 서론(introduction)
The lecturer disputes the claim that ... made in the article.
⑶ 본론(body)
# 본론 1
The article mentions that ...
The lecturer challenges the argument.
He claims that ...
Additionally, he points out ...
# 본론 2
Secondly, the author suggests ...
The lecturer, however, asserts that ...
He goes on to say that ...
# 본론 3
Finally, the author posits that ...
In contrast, the lecturer's stance is ...
⑷ 결론(conclusion) : 없어도 됨
3. 디스커션 커멘트 [목차]
⑴ 분량 : 100자 이상
⑵ 문제 예시
발제문 : 교육은 lecture 방식이 가장 효율적인가?
등장인물 1 : 복잡한 지식을 학습할 때 lecture가 있으면 쉽게 지식을 학습할 수 있어서 좋다.
등장인물 2 : 단순한 지식 학습을 넘어 논리적으로 사고하는 능력이 중요하다.
당신도 위 디스커션에 참가하여 커멘트를 남기시오.
4. (폐지됨) 독립형 에세이(independent essay) [목차]
⑴ 분량 : 380-400자 이상
⑵ 문제 예시
Some people believe that it is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Technology has made children less creative than they were in the past. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to be successful, one must be willing to take risks. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
⑶ 서론(introduction)
[Hook] Most people agree that everyone in the world should ...
[Main Point] Personally, I believe that ...
[Transition] I feel this way for two reasons, which I will explore in the following assay.
⑷ 본론(body)
# 본론 1
To begin with, ...
[Explanation, without talking directly about a personal experience]
My personal experience is a compelling example of this.
[A personal example, which should make up about 60% of the paragraph]
# 본론 2
To begin with, ...
[Explanation, without talking directly about a personal experience]
My personal experience is a compelling example of this.
[A personal example, which should make up about 60% of the paragraph]
⑸ 결론(conclusion)
In conclusion, I strongly feel that ...
This is because ___ and ___.
입력: 2022.01.29 01:34
수정: 2024.02.03 17:04
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