토플 스피킹(TOEFL Speaking)
추천글 : 【토플】 Toefl iBT 소개, 【영어】 How to Speak in English
1. 개요 [본문]
2. 실제 상황 연습 [본문]
3. 유형 1. personal choice [본문]
4. 유형 2. campus announcement [본문]
5. 유형 3. general to specific [본문]
6. 유형 4. academic lecture [본문]
7. 블로그 배포자료 [본문]
마지막 수정: 2024.03.21
1. 개요 [목차]
⑴ 평가 기준 : 내용이 아니라 전달력을 평가 → 필요한 메시지를 정확하고 간결하게 전달하는 게 권장됨
#1. General description: You need to use answer the question directly. You never go-off topic and your answer is easy for the TOEFL rater to follow.
#2. Topic development: Your ideas are fully developed and connected, which means you need to use 2-3 transition words to connect your ideas. Each of your ideas includes enough details or personal examples.
#3. Delivery: Your speak in a calm, clear, and natural manner. Your pronunciation and intonation allow TOEFL raters to easily understand everything you say. This is a very important criterion because it is often what makes the difference between a score above 26 or below 26.
#4. Language use: Your speaking response uses a mix of sentence structures in a natural way. You also use correct vocabulary throughout your response. Advanced vocabulary if used in the right way is a bonus. If you are not sure how to use a vocabulary word, don't use it. It will lower your score.
⑵ 개정 내용 : 6개 유형 → 4개 유형 (ref)
⑶ 고득점 전략 : 템플릿 암기, 적절한 메모, 일찍 도착 (비교적 조용한 분위기에서 스피킹을 할 수 있음)
2. 실제 상황 연습 [목차]
⑴ 방법 1. 토플 공식 연습문제
⑵ 방법 2. https://www.bestmytest.com/toefl/speaking
⑶ 방법 3. ChatGPT4 voice : 현재 GPT4 사용량 제한 때문에 30분 하고, 1시간 기다리는 식으로 진행해야 함
⑷ 방법 4. TOEFL Speaking Templates
3. 유형 1. personal choice [목차]
⑴ 개요
① 반드시 한 position에 대해서만 설명할 것
② 15초 준비, 45초 말하기
③ 템플릿 의존도 : 높음
⑵ 질문 예시
Type 1. Preference
* Do you prefer indoor activities or outdoor activities?
* Do you think it is better to take risks or to be cautious?
* Some people think it is more fun to spend time with friends in restaurants or cafés. Others think it is more fun to spend time with friends at home. Which do you think is better?
* Some people prefer waking up early while others like to stay in bed for as long as possible in the morning. Which do you prefer?
* Some people prefer sending messages while others prefer making phone calls. Which do you prefer?
* Some people prefer flying while others prefer driving to get to a destination. Which do you prefer and why?
* Some people think that price is the most important thing to consider when buying something. Others think that quality is more important. Which one do you prefer?
* Some universities expect students to choose a major field of study when they enter school; while other universities wait until the second or third year to require students to declare their major, allowing them more time to explore different fields and interests before making a decision. Which one do you prefer?
* Some people prefer to finish the assignment well before the due date while others prefer finishing assignments right before the due date. Which one do you prefer?
* Some people prefer reading news and magazine content online. Other people prefer to read the news in print. Which do you prefer?
* Some people prefer to read books online while others prefer to read physical books. Which do you prefer?
* Some people enjoy change and look forward to new experiences while others enjoy consistency. Which do you prefer?
* Do you prefer to study at home or in a library?
* Many people think that students study course materials more effectively by taking exams, while others think that students learn more effectively through doing other activities like completing projects, which one do you think is more effective?
* Some people like to finish watching a TV series in a short period of time. Others like to watch one or two episodes per week or month. Which do you prefer?
* If you had a small amount of money, would you spend it right away or save it?
* Some people prefer to live in a small town. Others prefer to live in a big city. Which do you prefer and why?
Type 2. Agreement
* Online learning is more effective than traditional classroom learning.
* Gasoline-powered cars should be replaced with electric-powered cars.
* Do you agree or disagree that experienced doctors are better than young ones?
* Do you agree or disagree that the youth should learn more about house chores along with their studies?
* Male and female students should have separate living halls.
* Do you think it is important for parents to teach their kids to learn how to manage money?
* Do you agree that childhood is the happiest time in one’s life?
* People older than 65 years of age should not be allowed to drive.
* Countries should no longer be allowed to sell sugary drinks like Coca-Cola or Pepsi.
* Honesty is the most important trait in a friend.
* Should schools engage in character education to instill morals and values in children?
* Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Higher education means a better career.
* Do you agree or disagree that daily homework is necessary for students?
Type 3. Selection
* Which one would you like to choose for your final project? (1) giving a presentation (2) writing a paper (3) creating a video.
* Which of the following courses would you prefer? (1) A course about Art History, the study of objects of art in their historical development and stylistic contexts. (2) A course about Twentieth-century World History, the study critical understanding of major political developments. (3) A course about Science History, the study of the development of science and scientific knowledge.
* You will need to accomplish an assignment for a presentation. Which one will you choose? (1) Act out a scene from a play (with a partner) (2) Explain your review of a novel you recently read (3) Read a selection of poem.
Type 4. Mixed Opinions
* Some students work while attending university. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having a part-time job at school.
* Some students take extra private lessons outside school hours. What are the advantages and disadvantages of private tuition?
* Many students choose to attend universities or colleges outside their home countries. What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad?
Type 5. Others
* Describe a teacher who has greatly influenced you in your education.
* Talk about an important national holiday in your home country.
* Describe your favorite book or movie. Explain why it is your favorite and how it has affected you.
* Describe a book you have recently read and explain why it was significant to you.
* Describe a hobby or activity that you enjoy. Describe it and explain why you enjoy this activity.
* Discuss an important environmental issue facing your country and suggest a solution. Provide reasons and examples to support your response.
⑶ 답변 템플릿
I think this is an interesting / important question.
Actually, I have thought about it several times before.
Personally, I prefer to ··· 혹은 I personally think that ···
Let me explain why I think this way.
At first, S + V because S + V
Moreover, S + V because S + V
These are the reasons why I think ··· is better.
I think it's better for me to ~
Some people would not agree with my idea because they might think that ~
However, one thing that comes to my mind when I get this question is that ~
For example, ~ (예시 1개만 얘기하기)
So, this is why I think ~
⑷ 답변 예시
I think it's better for me to select the outdoor activities. Some people would not agree with my idea because they might think that the outdoor activities are a little bit burdensome. However, one thing that comes to my mind when I get this question is the fact that by enjoying outdoor activities we can enhance our health. Also, we can think of a variety of outdoor activities compared to indoor activities. So, this is why I think the outdoor activities are preferred.
I think it's better for me to choose fast food rather than other types of food. Some people might argue that the fast food is not beneficial for our health. However, one thing that comes to my mind when I get this question is the fact that by choosing the fast food, we can keep the busy life in a busy era. Also, there are a lot of fast food that is nutritionally balanced and provided by a variety of stores. Thus, I think I'm inclined to the fast food.
4. 유형 2. campus announcement [목차]
⑴ 개요
① 30초 준비, 60초 말하기
② paraphrasing을 할 필요는 없음
③ 템플릿 의존도 : 중간
⑵ 질문 예시
Directions: Read the passage from the paper. You have the 50 seconds to read the passage. Begin reading now.
The Chemistry Department is planning to award scholarships to students who have received an average grade of 90% or above. We have found there to be a serious need for well-educated chemistry students and the current pool of chemists is highly lacking. By awarding these scholarships, it will allow future chemists to get a better handle on their tuition costs as well as encourage students to study harder in class. After the recent audit, we have found there to be plenty of funds for this department and we feel this is the best place to use them. Considering this school spends most of its funds on the Sports Department, we want to get students more interested in chemistry and we feel this is the best place to start.
Directions: Now listen to the two people discussing the passage you just read.
Directions: The woman expresses her opinion about the announcement. State her opinion and explain the reasons that she gives for holding that opinion.
Directions: Read the passage from the paper. You have the 50 seconds to read the passage. Begin reading now.
Compus announcement
Heating costs and the university's heating bills reached record levels last year. The university is determined to cut heating costs. It plans to do so by lowering the temperature in classroom buildings on workdays after 17:00 when classes end for the day, and on weekends, when there are no scheduled classes. The university management believes that this decision will not have a negative impact on students and their studies because classes will not be in session during the "cool off" period. The management considers that energy and cost-saving measures should not interfere with student activities.
Directions: Now listen to the two people discussing the passage you just read.
Directions: The woman expresses her opinion about the announcement. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.
Directions: The University is making a change in the courses it will offer. Read the article from the university newspaper about the change. Give yourself 45 seconds to read the article.
Sculpture Courses to Be Discontinued
University administrators announced yesterday that the sculpture program, a division of the art department, will be eliminated. “The main reason is a lack of student interest,” reported one administrator. “Although the number of art students has increased, fewer and fewer art majors are taking sculpture classes.” Furthermore, the department’s only sculpture professor is retiring this year. “Given the art department’s limited budget,” the administrator explained, “it just doesn’t make sense to hire a new full-time professor to teach sculpture for only a handful of students.”
Directions: Now listen to the two people discussing the passage you just read.
Directions: Give yourself 30 seconds to prepare your response to the following question. Then record yourself speaking for 60 seconds.
The woman expresses her opinion of the university’s plan. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.
⑶ 답변 템플릿
According to the announcement / article / lecture, ...
This is becuase ___ and ___.
There are two reasons why the man supports / opposes this change.
(혹은 The man has a mixed opinion of thic change.)
First of all, he/she argues that ...
Moreover, he/she mentions that ...
According to the reading, the university has announced that they are going to ~.
The man in the conversaiton think that it's not a good idea for three reasons.
The first reason he doesn't support this new plan is that ~.
The second reason he thinks this is not preferred is that ~.
Lastly, she also emphasizes that ~.
For these reasons, he thinks that the university doesn't have to ~.
⑷ 답변 예시
According to the reading, the university has announced that they are going to abolish a class of sculpture. The woman in the conversation think that it’s not a good idea for three reasons. The first reason she doesn’t support this new plan of the university is that the decreasing number of students in the class is not because of the decreasing trend of student interests in the sculpture class, but because of the required student class policy that would hinder the students to hear the class. The second reason she thinks this is not preferred is that if the budgetary issue is the problem of the university, the university can also employ part-time professors. Lastly, she also emphasizes that professors with a secondary area of sculpture can also teach the students in the sculpture class. For these reasons, she thinks that the university doesn’t have to abolish the class.
5. 유형 3. general to specific [목차]
⑴ 개요
① 30초 준비, 60초 말하기
② 자주 나오는 주제 : biology, psychology, astronomy, business, history, art, environmental study
③ paraphrasing을 할 필요는 없음
④ 5초 미만 남는 것은 감점 없음
⑤ 템플릿 의존도 : 중간
⑵ 질문 예시
Directions: Read the passage from the textbook. You have 50 seconds to read the passage. Begin reading now.
The peak-end rule describes a theory that humans judge past experiences based upon a single high moment and the end of that event rather than judging by a sum of the event in its entirety. Whether that peak moment is good or bad, coupled with their feelings at the end of the event, determine their overall perception of an experience being pleasant or unpleasant.
Directions: Listen to part of a lecture in a psychology class.
Directions: Explain Peak-End rule and how the example used by the professor illustrates the concept.
Directions: Read the passage from the textbook. You have 50 seconds to read the passage. Begin reading now.
Paradox of choice refers to the idea that humans deal with greater anxiety today because of the vast number of choices they face. When a person is given more choices, they have heightened expectations that can also result in disappointment when their desires aren’t satisfied. This need to satisfy their desires by making the right choice creates apprehension.
Directions: Listen to part of a lecture in a psychology class.
Directions: Using the main points and examples, describe paradox of choice.
Directions: Read the passage from the textbook. You have 50 seconds to read the passage. Begin reading now.
Clinal variation
The phenomenon known as clinal variation is the process by which the character or features of a species gradually change from one area to another, as they are influenced by environmental or geological changes. Although two animals are of the same species, they will have developed differently under climate variations, and thus would have different physiological features that meet their environmental needs.
Directions: Listen to part of a lecture in an ecology class.
Directions: Explain clinal variation and how the examples used by the professor illustrate the concept.
⑶ 답변 템플릿
The reading is about ...
It states that ...
The professor elaborates/illustrates on this by providing two examples.
To begin with, he/she mentions that ...
Next, he/she says that
According to the reading ~
The professor describes an example to explain the concept of ~
First, he/she starts the topic by talking about ~
This is the example that demonstrates the concept of ~
⑷ 답변 예시
6. 유형 4. academic lecture [목차]
⑴ 개요
① 20초 준비, 60초 말하기
② 자주 나오는 주제 : biology, psychology, astronomy, business, history, art, environmental study
③ paraphrasing을 할 필요는 없음
④ 5초 미만 남는 것은 감점 없음
⑤ 템플릿 의존도 : 낮음
⑵ 질문 예시
Directions: Listen to part of a lecture in an ecology class.
Directions: Using the main point and examples from the lecture, describe two types of adaptations that trees have that allow them to survive in the environment.
Directions: Listen to part of a lecture in a biology class.
Directions: Using the main points and examples from the lecture, explain how fish navigate their environment.
⑶ 답변 템플릿
In this lecture, the professor describes ...
Firstly, he/she describes ...
Secondly, he/she mentions ...
Thirdly, he/she said ...
These examples demonstrate ...
⑷ 답변 예시
In this lecture, the professor describes two ways that plant fossils provide climate information. First, he starts the topic by talking about the fact that some researchers study remains of leafy plants. This is because the shape of a leaf is affected by the temperature of the environment. He gives an example of leaves with smooth edges to make his point. The professor explains that they're likely to be from the climate that has temperatures higher than average. And then, the professor continues the lecture by describing that researchers study ancient tree trunks to learn about climate information. If they see widely spaced rings, they would learn that the tree grew quickly. The second example the professor explans is about trees with narrow rings. The professor explains that they experienced drought. These are the examples that demonstrate two ways that plant fossils privide climate information.
In this lecture, the professor describes how the plant fossils can reflect the climate information in the past. Firstly, he describes the leafy plants. The shape of the leaves of the plants can be affected by the climate. For example, if the leaves of the fossils are having smooth edges, then the plants can signify the external climate condition in the past. Secondly, the professor focuses on the tree trunks. Especially, we can focus on the rings within tree trunks. When the rings are wide, it implied the tree grew quickly. When the rings are narrow, there might be a drought. These demonstrate how the plant fossils provide climate information in the past.
7. 블로그 배포자료 [목차]
입력: 2021.12.29 14:01
수정: 2024.01.28 23:23
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